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Creating social value and reducing carbon with our supply chain

Demonstrating social value

Our supply chain is committed to creating social value in the communities in which we all live, learn, care, play and protect. The Social Value Bank and LM3 (Local Multiplier 3) are tools we use to report on how we increase social, economic and environmental wellbeing through our construction activities. This data includes significant contribution from our supply chain partners, detailing their contribution to community engagement, environmental, employment and skills training programmes and local material and labour supply used as part of our project delivery.

We’re proud to have been awarded Living Wage Employer accreditation. This can only also be achieved through the support our supply chain partners have given to this accreditation, and their commitment to delivering a fair day’s pay for a hard day’s work and a dedication to improving employer standards in the construction industry.


On a journey together

We're on a journey with our supply chain, actively supporting and collaborating with each other to address the climate emergency and find ways to reduce carbon from the built environment.

How we're helping our supply chain reduce carbon

Supply Chain Carbon Maturity Framework

We've developed a carbon maturity framework for our supply chain to encourage and support them at whatever point they may be at in their carbon reduction journey. It's designed to equip our partners with the knowledge on carbon and to understand the pressures our industry is facing to address the climate emergency at both a corporate and project level. The maturity framework is a tool we use to support our supply chain partners to forward plan their carbon reduction strategies. The 5-step approach mirrors our own approach to carbon monitoring, disclosure and reduction, and can be tailored to suit the diversity of our supply chain.

SC sustainability graphic

How our supply chain is helping us reduce carbon

The 10 Tonne Carbon Challenge

Our 10 Tonne Carbon Challenge is an initiative that empowers our project teams for a focused week, to work with our supply chain to find intelligent solutions that reduce carbon from the buildings we deliver by a minimum of 10 tonnes.

Initially started back in October 2021, to date, our teams have worked with our supply chain to reduce our carbon output by 30,825 tonnes - that's equivalent to heating 11,417 UK homes annually!

Collaboration is key to the success of the challenge. On our own we can’t possibly know all the solutions, therefore we work together with our supply chain, using their skills, experience and innovation, to find ways to effectively drive out carbon from our projects.

Take a look at some of the examples below where our supply chain partners helped us reduce carbon.