Here's the latest update
The project team update you on some of the latest work that has taken place on site since the start of the refurbishment of Preston Circus Fire Station for East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service.
Keep revisiting the project's dedicated webpage for future updates!
Site Activities (Feb - April 24)
Since the start of the project back in February, the team has been diligently undertaking site setup and demolition operations at Preston Circus Fire Station. The comprehensive efforts have involved various tasks such as the installation of a hoist to facilitate construction activities, demolition of walls to make way for new internal lay-outs, isolation of mechanical and electrical systems to ensure safety during the demolition process, along with the erection of scaffolding to support ongoing work. The team's approach to each aspect of the project demonstrates our commitment to delivering high-quality results within programme whilst prioritising health & safety.
The images adjacent showcase the building at the start of the project, the images below showcase the progress that has been made in the last six weeks.
Latest progress images (April 2024)