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Project update - May 2024

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Here's the latest news from the team

Site Activities

Over the past few weeks, we have been working predominantly around the area of the existing walkways and playground. Our groundworkers have been conducting a reduced level dig. This is a process that takes place to achieve a ‘formation level’ which is the deepest point of an excavation. The excavator is used alongside a laser level device to ensure there isn’t a slope, before a layer of geotextile matting is laid. This mat spreads the load and prevents the subbase from sinking into the ground. The subbase being used in preparation for piling works is 6F5; this is a recycled aggregate that is made up of crushed hardcore materials including concrete.

As well as the above, areas outside the temporary classrooms have been landscaped and fenced to always ensure safety of children. The entrance to site has been painted which now guides pedestrian and vehicle traffic safely, ensuring segregation is in place throughout. The pedestrian route to our site offices will run through part of the public space, with a clear path marked out. The one-way system for parents and pupils remains in place, but now with a new external ramp that runs parallel with our site leading up to the MUGA.

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Left: Existing playground and walkways now stripped

Right: External ramp to existing MUGA built and tarmacked ready for use

Upcoming work

Coming up next at Pilgrims’ Way Primary School...

The existing year 5 & 6 block is now completely soft stripped, and structural demolition will commence over the next few weeks. The building will be progressively deconstructed, beginning with the roof sheets, progressing to the lattice girders and purlins between the steelwork frame. The roof will be prised off and cut by the 360° excavator fitted with hydraulic multi-processor attachment. All materials from the structure will be sent off for reuse or recycling.

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Above: Plan of Phase 1 demolition area within existing school