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Project update - June 2024

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Site Activities

Over the weeks of May, we have been demolishing the Year 5 and 6 block from the existing school in preparation for part of our new building footprint to sit. The materials from this building have been placed into divided skips for reuse or recycling. The 24t machine operated by our demolition contractor used a hydraulic grab attachment to remove each feature of the building. The existing concrete slab shown in the photo will be gradually taken up and that area reduced in level to the meet the required level of the new school foundations.

Community engagement

Pupils from the nursery recently got involved with painting some of their favourite book characters, which we thought looked great. With this, we had signs made up and have displayed them along the hoarding line that runs through the nursery breakout area.

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Upcoming work

Whilst demolition of slab is underway, our groundworkers will be busy preparing the perimeter of the new build by continuing with the reduced level dig and build up of stone.

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