The team recently held a steel signing ceremony to celebrate progress at what will be a new Community Diagnostic Centre that will provide modern health facilities for the local community of Norfolk.
The ceremony welcomed representatives from NNUH Trust and Richard Utting Associates on site along with the Morgan Sindall team who all signed the completed steel frame to mark this significant milestone of the project's programme.
Danny Branson, Senior Site Manager at Morgan Sindall said:
It is important to celebrate this key milestone, after all; we cannot continue with the rest of the project until this element of works is complete. The steel frame really brings the building into perspective for all. It was great being able to walk the client around their building and for them to get a feel for the size and layout. They will all now have their signatures and messages part of the building lifecycle, hidden behind the internal walls for years to come. Having these works completed now enables us to commence external facades & roofing works, enabling the internal works to commence.
Check out some of the photos from the day below: