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SmartSTEMS in partnership with Moray College

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SmartSTEMS in partnership with Moray College

The project team supported two SmartSTEMS events in partnership with Moray College.

The first event on the 7th March was targeted at S1 and S2 Secondary pupils, with the second event on the 8th March 2024 targeted at P6 and P7 Primary pupils.

The team engaged the students in our Let’s Stick Together activity, which sees the pupils presented with a design of a small structure which they are required to cost, before building the design in teams – on budget, on time, and to a high quality! The task gives pupils an insight into the various roles in construction.

The team also donated 2 £30 vouchers to the events for use as prizes.

Supporting alongside the Morgan Sindall team were Forestry and Land Scotland. We were delighted to collaborate with Forestry and Land Scotland at this event to collectively showcase the variety of sustainable career pathways in our respective industries.

“I wanted to say a massive thanks to you and the team for your support at the Moray College Events. As always, the workshop went down a storm and the exhibition stand was jumping at lunch time. Once we have photographs back I will share them with you all. Thank you so much for your donations to the raffle as well - the kids were so excited. Please extend my thanks to the others who attended.” – Emma Bodium, Programme Manager SmartSTEMS
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