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We were delighted to assist in facilitating a ‘Face Fit Testing’ training session for our staff and supply chain, supporting the project teams by raising awareness of dust hazards, legal requirements, and our Morgan Sindall minimum standards.

The team ran two, four-hour sessions in our Elgin office supported by JSP Safety. Due to our requirement for respiratory protective equipment (RPE) to have self-checking functionality in design, JSP is one of the few manufacturers who produces RPE with this requirement and also have the accreditation to carry out ‘Train the Trainer’ Face Fit Training.

We were delighted to have two local subcontractors – Callander Construction and WM Donald – attend our sessions. The WM Donald team were impressed with the Morgan Sindall minimum standard requirements for all RPE to have self-checking functionality in design (includes a "press-to-check" feature that allows workers to easily check if the filter is fitted correctly, ensuring maximum protection) and have now implemented the same standard throughout WM Donald.

“Shout out to Morgan Sindall Construction for arranging a face fit testing course today through at their Elgin site offices, ensuring we can now face fit our own team for RPE, outstanding commitment to their supply chain once again from team MS, also to David Hampson from JSP Safety for delivering todays course.” – Steven Callander, Managing Director Callander Construction

Face Fit Testing - Nov 23