Our Responsible Business Plan defines how we put our commitments into practice both nationally and regionally, and how we will continue to make improvements
In order to achieve this, we have aligned our business objectives with the needs and expectations of our people, our customers, our supply chain partners and our wider stakeholders, and doing business responsibly has never been more important.
As a part of the Morgan Sindall Group, we work towards five Total Commitments, each one focused on a key area of how we run our business, underpinning how we think, act and operate.
Our Responsible Business Plan
Building on these total commitments, we’ve developed our own Responsible Business Plan. The plan supports us in working towards our vision, helping reinforce our position as a leader in the industry. We have established a set of ambitious commitments for the Construction division which are reviewed and refreshed annually, and they are supported by specific activities and performance indicators to ensure we bring these commitments to life.

Download our responsible business report
Tackling Climate Change
We know that the construction and regeneration sectors have a huge role to play in tackling climate change, and we are taking responsibility by reducing the carbon emissions of our projects and our own operations, for the benefit of our customers and local communities – both now and into the future.
For our own operations, we have set out our plan to reach net zero by 2030 in our carbon reduction plan, which is aligned with PPN 06/21.
By working collaboratively with our customers and supply chain partners, our teams have also made significant strides in recent years to reduce the climate change impact of the projects we construct, saving 40,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) since 2021 through our 10 Tonne Carbon Challenge initiative. This is equivalent to heating around 15,000 UK homes annually. We have also demonstrated through a 4-year programme of research comprising two key studies – known as the Circular Twin and the Regenerative Twin – that significant savings in whole life carbon are available on our customers’ projects within standard budgetary and programme constraints.
Our innovative and award-winning whole life carbon assessment and reduction tool, CarboniCa is deployed in the majority of our projects, enabling us to consistently measure and reduce embodied and operational carbon. Built on the RICS, accredited by the BRE, and supported by £1m Innovate UK funding, the tool is enabling the rapid decarbonisation of built assets.
Learn more about CarboniCa
Just Transition
Moving to a low-carbon economy brings with it many opportunities for people and nature to thrive, particularly when it comes to the built environment.
However, it carries the risk of negative social and economic impact for those who are most vulnerable or dependent on high-carbon sectors, and some of those impacts are already evident in UK communities.
The just transition calls for proactive measures to assess and minimise the risks to people and communities, and to maximise the opportunities a low-carbon world can bring. It requires meaningful and long-term participation between stakeholders, including workers, communities, suppliers, consumers, governments and businesses.
To respond to our customers’ current and future concerns around the effect our industry’s decarbonisation efforts has on people and communities. We will establish and seed-fund regional projects which bring together and organise multiple stakeholders in a single geographic area to progress a ‘just’ (fair and inclusive) transition to net zero.
Our ambition for the built environment is that these projects will develop and support local, future-proofed supply chains who draw their talent from – and thereby improve the wellbeing of – disadvantaged groups and communities.
Acting responsibly to do the right thing
Click to readReplenishing Nature
Dorn & Glyme Woodlands, Blenheim Estate
As part of Morgan Sindall Group plc we're planting 270,000 trees at Dorn Valley Woodland as part of the Blenheim Palace estate and will be supporting the woodland for the next 25 years.
The saplings for the new woodland have been grown from the 1,000-year-oaks and they will be planting on main paths and entrances alongside other native trees. The woodlands will also be scientifically monitored to assess their effectiveness at removing carbon emissions, enhancing biodiversity, and cleaning up air and water.
Find out more about this ambitious project here.
RSPB Lakenheath Fen
Back in 2023, the Group also partnered with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds at Lakenheath, purchasing 54 hectares of neighbouring farmland to expand the Lakenheath Fen nature reserve on the Norfolk/Suffolk border. This land is currently being restored to wetlands, adding to the 400 hectares of reed beds and wet grassland previously transformed by the RSPB in 1995. Wetlands represent some of the most biodiverse habitats and carbon rich ecosystems in the UK. This expansion of the reserve will allow the habitat and wildlife there to flourish while further reducing carbon emissions and making the reserve a thriving, vibrant space for the people who visit.
Read more about this project here.
Great North Bog
Most recently, Morgan Sindall Group has partnered with North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and the Yorkshire Peat Partnership to support the Great North Bog peatland restoration. This project aims to restore 300 hectares of damaged blanket bog across the North Pennines AONB, Yorkshire Dales National Park, and surrounding areas. Covering nearly 7,000 km², the initiative targets upland peat that currently stores 400 million tonnes of carbon. Eleven sites have already been identified, with rewetting underway.
Taking the lead on ESG
Morgan Sindall Group plc has been recognised as leading on environmental action having been awarded an A rating by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) for four consecutive years, putting us in a very small group of leading global organisations.
CDP is an independent and voluntary carbon reporting scheme which assesses how companies cut emissions, mitigate climate risks and develop low-carbon alternatives. For example, we have an internal cabron tax within the Group, and all of our client-facing staff are educated on how to reduce embodied carbon.
In 2018, we also became the first UK contractor to set Science Based Targets, which is the international highest standard of setting carbon reduction targets. We then updated our commitment in 2023 to achieve the following against a 2019 baseline:
- Reduce our organisational emissions – such as the fuel and electricity we pay for, and all forms of business travel – by 60% by 2030 and by 90% by 2045.
- Reduce our scope 3 emissions – primarily the embodied and operational carbon in the buildings we construct – by 42% by 2030 and by 90% by 2045.
Carbon removals (not offsets) are then required to deal with the residual 10% of emissions in 2045, which will make us a fully net zero organisation.
We are pleased, once more, to have been recognised as leading on environmental action within our sector,” said founder and Chief Executive John Morgan. We know that the construction and regeneration sectors have a genuine role to play in changing how everyone does business, placing environmental awareness at the very centre of our decision-making, he added. We are changing how we manage our projects, the kinds of places we create and the legacy these leave. It’s better for the planet, for people and for business.”
Zero Tolerance to Labour Exploitation
As a Responsible Business, we have a duty to protect our people and supply chain.
That’s why we’re Shining a Spotlight on Modern Slavery and empowering our teams with the knowledge that will enable us to ensure that worker exploitation does not present itself within our operations.
We’re working closely with Unseen, to ensure we educate and offer the knowledge needed for our teams to #SpottheSigns of worker exploitation.