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Midlands News: Project Spotlight on the West Bromwich Town Hall - a sustainable restoration

A wider vision for West Bromwich

Sandwell Council has strengthened the role that West Bromwich plays as a strategic urban centre in the Black Country. Creating a vibrant retail and cultural offer, with new and thriving residential neighbourhoods, the city will leverage the opportunity to link with the Birmingham city centre and the wider Black Country.

Working on the Town Hall Quarter has been a welcoming opportunity, to learning more about the unique culture that the town has to offer. Sandwell Council has a vision to help take this Town of culture to the next level. The weight of its name is certainly enough for the local community to be proud of, however, with funding secured via the Governments Town fund, the opportunity to establish itself as one of the pioneering towns within the Black Country is one which will be capitalised on. 

As part of a wider re-generation programme for the local community, Sandwell Council have set out on a mission to restore this iconic building back to its best, as an integral part of the West Bromwich community.

We're really pleased to see this project procured through the CWM framework, it is such an iconic building at the heart of the town and we can't wait to see the finished product. The level of social value being delivered is outstanding and will leave a real legacy for the town for years to come. "

Marina Robertson, Acivico Group Managing Director

The Cultural Quarter

Key to establishing itself as one of the pioneering cities for the Black Country, the wider masterplan also aims to reinvigorate and reconnect the Town Hall area as West Bromwich’ main cultural quarter. Where best to start then than the West Bromwich Town Hall and Central Library itself, which boasts both impressive connectivity into the city, and a fascinating historical story.

A trip down memory lane

Built in 1874-75 by Alexander & Henman, the Town Hall and Central Library is one of many buildings built in a progressive era for West Bromwich. The detailed architectural design underpins the growth and affluence of West Bromwich during this period.

Now a Grade II listed building, preservation of this structure is vital. On behalf of Sandwell Council, the project, designed by APEC Architects and delivered through the CWM2 framework, will see the restoration of the Grade II listed Town Hall and Central Library both internally and externally. This iconic building will be given a refreshed look.  

From the brickwork, through to the timber sash windows, the project team have collaborated to ensure two key project aims could be met:

  • Greater use of the building by the public
  • Securing the future of this important civic building


A busy city centre site


Although conveniently located within the heart of West Bromwich's town centre, the possible logistical constraints meant a robust logistics strategy would need to be planned thoroughly during the preconstruction phase, but also managed carefully once on site. Deliveries are made ‘just in time’ mainly towards the rear of the building. All the works took place behind perimeter hoarding with plenty of clear signage to negate risk to pedestrians.

Due to the works encroaching on the public footpath, a temporary pedestrian road crossing was required, which, ensured the safety of road users and pedestrians.

Restoring a significant building back to life…sustainably

It’s all in the details when it comes to preserving the history of such an important facility. Along with restoring the bricks which could be salvaged, 16 different types of special bricks were made, by Northcot Bricks and Midland Masonry. The process of the brick making had been captured and made into a mini film to show the level of detail that goes into this process. The timber sashes, roof tiles and crittal windows were also refurbished and replaced where necessary.

There is so much architectural detailing on the Town Hall, including a number of finials which sit atop of the dormers and roof ridges on the building. One finial, which had been missing since 1916, was assumed to be broken and disappeared over time; however, needed to be replaced. The conundrum the site team had was, they only had an old unclear photograph of the finial taken over 100 years ago. Based on this, APEC Architect’s designed a new finial which required a skilled stonemason to carefully carve out of stone. Midland Masonry supported the creation and installation of the missing finial. 

Sustainability was a key feature on this scheme. The project team reused many of the materials from the original building such as the bricks, slate, and a portion of the windows. This resource efficiency significantly reduced the embodied carbon impact of the project.

The project site is also diesel free site and reducing energy expenditure by setting up their temporary site offices within the existing building.

Social Impact

This new building has been made for the community, by the community, with 50% of the supply chain spend within 20 miles of the project. To date, this refurbishment project has generated £1.9m in Social Value for the community. The project team gave back to the community in more ways than one with a plethora of initiatives carried out and planned in the pipeline.

Delivering social value investment is a key part of our commitments here. Right from the start we developed a set of KPIs which we are using to measure ourselves against and ultimately drive benefit beyond the boundaries of this site"

Andy Clayton, Social Value Manager, Midlands

Sandwell Visually Impaired Desk Donations

Our site team donated and installed £450 worth of desks for Sandwell Visually Impaired (SVI), who are one of the existing West Bromwich Town Hall tenants. Their mission is to improve the lives of people with sight loss in Sandwell.

Central Library Welcoming Spaces Donation

The Central Library also supports Sandwell Council's Welcoming Spaces programme. The Welcoming Spaces programme ensures local members of the community, mainly homeless people, are provided with a warm safe space to have a coffee. They are given information and guidance about how best to support themselves during the cost-of-living crisis.  To show our support of the initiative, the project team donated and installed a dishwasher in March 2024. The team also donated plenty of replenishments such as tea, coffee, and sugar.

The workers are always polite and helpful, as we are working with vulnerable adults someone always helps if needed. The gate person is lovely, honestly, I can’t praise the team enough”.
Kelley Owen – SVI Enablement and Engagement Manager, Sandwell Visually Impaired

They maintain our access to the library for the public ensuring a safe working environment with regular communication”.
Judith Bate – Library Manager, West Bromwich Town Hall & Central Library

Nick Mowl Cup for Mental Health Awareness

The support for the local community didn’t stop there. The project team have been busy supporting the local community with the Nick Mowl Cup, raising £4,000 for local mental health awareness charity, Kaleidoscope.

Work Experience Opportunities

The team have also been actively supporting the next generation into construction. A total of six students from Sandwell College have worked on the project over a six-week period as part of their work experience.   These opportunities for these young people, has not only helped gain skills and confidence, but get them work ready towards apprenticeships.  Working closely with Sandwell's Social Value Team and Think Sandwell, it opens up the opportunities to the local Sandwell College, residents and local communities.  Bringing about additional value to many Sandwell people.

There is plenty of information about the great community initiatives carried out on the project which is all detailed in our monthly newsletter - Here