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A view of the SEE Building from the nearby park

Mayor leads groundbreaking ceremony at £7.5 million Southgate School


The Mayor of the London Borough of Barnet, Councillor Brian Salinger, has led the celebrations to mark a major milestone in the construction of the new £7.5 million Ashmole Primary School, in Southgate, London.

Councillor Salinger joined staff and pupils for a special groundbreaking ceremony at the brand new two-form entry school, which is being delivered by the Morgan Sindall Construction London and Home Counties team.

The new Ashmole Primary School is part of the latest phase in a government-backed scheme which will see the creation of 49 new free schools across the country.

The building will provide a new permanent home for Ashmole Primary School, with 2,072 sq m of learning space for 420 pupils aged four to eleven.

The primary school is based on the same site as Ashmole Academy and will have close links to the existing secondary academy, sharing teachers, facilities and preparing pupils for the next step in secondary education.

The new building is due to complete in summer 2018 and the Morgan Sindall Construction project team is also delivering external landscaping work and drainage upgrades to the surrounding sports pitches.

Neil Franklin, Area Director at Morgan Sindall Construction, said: We’re so pleased to have started construction work at the new Ashmole Primary School, which once complete, will be an outstanding centre of educational excellence.
We hope that the new building will be a fantastic addition to the Southgate community, providing a first-class teaching space for children to start their educational journey. We’re looking forward to handing the school over to staff and pupils later this year.
Chris Tofallis, Head Teacher at Ashmole Primary School, said: “We are all very excited with the building of our new school. We are looking forward to the year ahead where we will see all our children enjoy the excellent facilities set up for their use. The creation of our modern and permanent building will allow us to fulfil our vision to provide the very best standards in education for all our primary children.
The new building will allow us to deliver a broad, balanced and creative curriculum with many extra-curricular activities on offer. The new primary school building will provide an outstanding setting and I know that the children, parents and staff will be thrilled with the new learning environment. Ashmole Primary School will be a school that the whole community will be very proud of.”
  • For more information about this news release please contact Steph Bocking at Influential on 0151 239 5000 or email: [email protected]